In this chapter, I briefly explained the reasons I believe that there is a God and that He is the God described for us by the Christian Bible. Maybe you need a little more convincing. I hope and pray that these resources will help you come to the same conclusion. Listing order is not an indication of preference.

Cold Case Christianity

J. Warner Wallace, a homicide detective, was not a believer until he applied his investigative skills to find out if Christianity’s claims were true. He has now authored several books on the subject. They make great reading for both the questioning and the already convinced.

Cross Examined

I agree with Frank Turek. “I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.” Check this out and see why.

Reasons to Believe

We make every effort to help people discover that sound reason and scientific research consistently affirm the truth of the Bible and of the Good News it reveals.

RTB’s mission statement

Reasonable Faith

Featuring the work of philosopher and theologian Dr. William Lane Craig,

Reasonable Faith aims to provide in the public arena an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective on the most important issues concerning the truth of the Christian faith today, such as: the existence of God, the meaning of life, the objectivity of truth, the foundation of moral values, the creation of the universe, intelligent design, the reliability of the Gospels, the uniqueness of Jesus, the historicity of the resurrection, the challenge of religious pluralism

From mission statement